Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | person | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Starry Nigd over the Cafe or Cafe lerynce Nigt Vincentvan Gogh: Painting of sparsely populated patio under starry sky that Van Gogh executed in Arles (1888 The picture depicts a perspectival view f narrow street running south to the Place de la Forum The picture ap pears t have been done in late summer tor the painter mentions his determination ta returm ta Les Saintes -Maries and produce starry sky "because the nights are sO beau- tiful in Provence' (Letter 474} In another letter Van Gogh alludes t Parisian boulevard scene under artificial illu- mination that Guy de Maupassant describes ir Bel Ami, although the precise passage has never been identified De- spite the artificial lamplight that Van Gogh uses to under- score the foreshortened patia and the orthogonal tracery the composition, ...